Reliable public transport that does not wait in congestions

We give the green light to public transport vehicles at the traffic light so that passengers always arrive on time. We prevent frequent but unnecessary accidents by alerting incoming drivers to the risk of a collision with a pedestrian entering the road.


trams in Brno equipped with C-ITS


Czech cities use C-ITS


cities in Europe deploy C-ITS

Public transport priority

For the public transport vehicles to move as fast and as safe as possible through the city is a fundamental pillar of the transport of the future. To minimize delays on the route, vehicles of urban, suburban or long-distance public transport can request for priority at traffic lights thanks to C-ITS technology. The driver at the intersection receives a response on the status of the processing of his passage request and can adjust his driving.


Key benefits

  • Faster public transport
  • Lower risk of accidents at intersections
  • Increased safety for public transport passengers

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Tram collision warning

Vozidla MHD pomocí technologie C-ITS neustále informují prvky infrastruktury a své okolí o poloze, rychlosti a směru. Chytré algoritmy zpracovávají data a dokáží varovat řidiče tramvaje o riziku srážky s jinou tramvají v provozu.

Key benefits

  • Increased safety of tram operation

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No more accidents involving public transport vehicles

We all know a place in our neighborhood where accidents are just waiting to happen. Public transport vehicles meeting with car traffic at tramway crossings and at intersections with tram tracks or reserved bus lanes are often the most risky. Numerous accidents happen in these places. The C-ITS unit in the public transport vehicle sends warnings to other drivers before arriving at the risk area to increase their awareness.


Safe public transport stops for everyone

There are many stops where pedestrians get off directly into the road. All it takes is a little inattention and tragedy is on the way. C-ITS technology allows to detect the presence of a public transport vehicle at a stop and warn incoming drivers of increased pedestrian movement on the road.

Giant leap for the fleet

Above are just a few examples of how we use C-ITS technology to solve the problems you encounter on a daily basis. This technology allows us to implement solutions to an inexhaustible number of problems that not only bring a higher quality of life to the inhabitants of your region, city or municipality, but also streamline the operation of public transport in terms of traffic. Common functions include monitoring the current position, speed, direction of vehicles, information on delays compared to timetables, arranging communication between the dispatcher and the driver or controlling entrances and exits from depots. However, we are able to implement a number of other functions, tailored to your needs.